While Stocks Last…

While Stocks Last…

By Not Known

Things were once made to last – furniture, electrical appliances, shoes, etc. But nowadays, we can almost apply the following local saying to almost everything, “”Buy and throw away

The rapid improvement of technologies coupled with a new aesthetic appreciation has brought about a new system of values to material things. “The latest is better” becomes an unwritten assumption shaping the way we acquire material things from basic essentials to luxurious items. It has become a trend to be seen with the latest in fashion from handphones, to computer gadgets, to dresses. Some retailers have even brought shopping into the virtual world, earning real monies for virtual goods.

Owning something is no longer a matter of wealth. It defines and measures one’s existence – identity, esteem, and influence. To many people, the tangible here and now of the material world offers greater certainty than the intangible there and then of the ethereal world. Materialism that measures one’s ultimate worth in acquiring and having things is particularly appealing in an affluent society like Singapore. Even the quality of relationships is sadly measured by the giving and receiving of material things. Some children grow up thinking that if their parents love them, they will give them what they want.

Materialism does not only destroy us, it also destroys the earth. Just think of the wastages of earthly resources to power and feed endless manufacturing. How much of its produce is really needed? Do you really need what you buy? Can you do less or without it?

The Bible teaches in 1 John 2 : 15- 17 :Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Materialism and Christianity cannot co-exist if we honour God and treasure our relationship with him. Materialism says, “While stocks last, grab it!” Christianity says, “Only one thing will last and will never run out – the love of God. Love him!