National Day 2010

National Day 2010

By Not Known

First of all then I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God who desires all people to be saved .. (1 Tim 2:1-3).

As we celebrate the 45th anniversary of independence it is natural for Christian people to pray for the nation. Is there any better way to be good Singaporeans than to pray for the Lord’s blessings on the nation?

The above Bible passage focuses our prayers on our President, Prime Minister, cabinet and other senior leaders.


Why pray to the Lord in this matter?

● Because government is too important to be left just to politicians.

● Because God is sovereign over all earthly rulers, even over those who do not acknowledge him.

● Because God is the source of all blessings and it is from his hand that we must seek further national blessings.

● Because prayer is our consolation and remedy when governments are bad or take bad decisions.


How should we pray in this matter?

We are urged to two kinds of prayer.

We are to give thanks. The history and progress of Singapore since 1965 is breathtaking and we should thank God for it. Let’s thank him for this and for the leaders in all sectors of national life that have enabled such progress.

We are to intercede. The object of this is that we may leave peaceful and quiet lives. In context, this is a prayer that Christian people will have a free and stable environment in which to do the gospel work of encouraging one another in the faith and commending it to others. This prayer is important in the light of some recent measures affecting Christian groups in Singapore.

Let’s indeed bless Singapore this National Day – by praying as we are told to.


David Burke