Live the Faith

Live the Faith

By Not Known

In our world today, the big debate continues.  What is more important: faith or works?  

There are many in this world who do good works with plenty to show for it. Yet they may not have faith in God.  Still there are also many who claim to have great faith in God but when it comes to good works, we see none.

This argument is not new. It took place in the first century and James gives us a good treatise on this issue.  Which side is James on?

Practically, James maintains, it begins with genuine faith in God.  This has to be an unwavering faith, a faith without doubting, and a faith only God can give.  This faith leads us into a deep relationship with Him.  This is only the starting point.

From this deep-growing faith, it should pervade our lives in practical terms.  There must be signs of this faith in action in the way we look at life, and the way we speak, as well as in the way we behave.  These signs are vital to reveal the deep change that is going on inside us.  It is all about the being and the doing: the character and the conduct.  The change in our being, leads on to a display of godly actions–our doing.  Faith without works is not really genuine faith, for when one is truly converted, the gradual change always leads to a display of works.  In fact, we should keep on working those deeds to authenticate our faith.

So, on one hand, we desire zealous believers.  Some are zealous and even brandish a form of zealousness that include maiming and hurting others who do not agree with us.  Yet others are such laggards in the display of faith that one wonders if they truly have a relationship with Christ.

Zealots or laggards? Let’s not point fingers.  Let’s ask ourselves which ones are we?  Do we stand up for our faith and speak the truth in love?  Do we display our relationship with God through love and compassion spontaneously, because of the transformation that has taken place inside us?  Or do we merely profess to be Christians, even zealously, closing our eyes to the needs of people around us?  As obedient children, we need to learn how to balance the delicate art of being faithful Christians and with deeds that show our faith?

Peter Poon