

By Not Known

In helping people find direction in life, we often ask these three revealing questions: 1. Who are the three most important persons in my life?  2. If I were to die today, what would these three persons have to say about me?  3. If I do not like what they say, how would I live differently from now to change their perspectives?

Usually, as the individual has an opportunity to mull over these questions, he/she would discover much about his/her life that needs to change.  Perhaps, if we apply these questions to ORPC: If Christ is to come today, what would he say about us as a church?  Or if the apostle Paul is to visit us and give us an evaluation of how we have been, what would his report be like?

Questions are fantastic tools; they somehow have a way of provoking deep appraisals and reflections.  As we begin our study on Acts, let us take a look at some questions and see how we have been as a church.

We claim to be a Bible-believing church, but often do we really study the Bible, growing deeper in our relationship with God as we do so?

When in our life do we feel as a church God’s presence?

When was the last time we heard a testimony of life-change as a result of our involvement in evangelism and outreach?

When was the last time we sense God’s calling for us to go and be involved in reaching another person with the Gospel?

Could we recall when we had a wonderful conversation with God in a group of fellow members?

What was on our mind when we gathered for worship last Sunday?

Who is God or where is his place in the way we make decisions here?

When someone is hurting, how do we respond to that person?

Do we know people are hurting?  Do we want to know at all?

We are supposed to care for one another, how is this care shown here?

There can be more…

As we answer these questions, it’s easy to zero in on what are lacking in others.  Perhaps, take a moment to go back to the questions now and answer them from the perspective of “What may I personally do about them?”

One more question: Who is the church?

Peter Poon