Good Leaders

Good Leaders

By Not Known

I remember a TV documentary some time back when a male German Shepherd came running to its owner after wandering off to the field. It would run toward him and then off again and then back several times until its owner realised that it was trying to get him to follow in its direction.  He did, and found another dog with its leg severely wounded by a hunter’s trap. 

The owner called the vet immediately.  While waiting, the German Shepherd continually licked the wounds of the injured dog whose leg was eventually amputated but it survived.

Interesting how animals would care for one another.  It was interesting to me not just because it cared but also because it was a German Shepherd.  And I was thinking of a church shepherd.

Church leaders may not be theologically trained, serving full-time, have a title or are well-known.  Good church leaders are people with a passion to serve God in serving people.  He is full-time in that he makes himself or herself available as and when a call is made.  He or she would re-arrange his or her time to be there to listen or pray, or just being there.  He or she knows people by name and pray for them whenever the need arises.

Such is how it should be.  Such is God’s intent.  God never has an intention for a “BKL” to run the church or to serve its people.  He never planned for a select few to perform all ministries or to teach or to counsel.  Since his issue of the call to “feed my sheep,” (John 21:1-5), there have been shepherds ― overseers of the church who are dedicated to the calling of leading, feeding, and caring of sheep.

Good leaders have different gifts but they serve passionately.  Good leaders are not optional in the growth of a church, they are required.  They set the pace and are examples to the flock.  They are prayerful and visionary.  When they are weak, the church will be weak.  When they fall, the church suffers together.  But when they pick up the pieces and learn from the mistakes, the church grows with the lessons learnt.

However, good leaders don’t just happen.  They need an understanding church, a supportive church, a church that encourages, and a church that releases them to do what God has called them to do.  One does not come about without the other.  When one is called to be a leader, he knows he does not serve in a vacuum.  When we have good leaders, we need to do all we can to ensure they have the room and freedom to give of their best. 

Pray that God will continue to raise up good leaders in our midst and pray that we may partner with them to lead joyfully and responsibly.


Peter Poon


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