By Not Known

The Septuagint (the translation of the Hebrew Scripture into Koine Greek began by the 3rd century BC and was completed by 132 BC) speculates Nehemiah to be a eunuch (eunochos) rather than a cupbearer (oinochoos) to the Persian King Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 1:11c).  According to the Torah, no eunuch shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord and so some Biblical scholars have attempted to bolster their claims by noting that Nehemiah could not enter certain areas of the temple.  However, other Biblical scholars have explained that Nehemiah was not a priest and therefore simply was not authorized to go into those portions of the Temple reserved for the priests.          

Nehemiah marks an important stage in Israel’s history as it recorded the last revival that took place amongst the returned remnant of God’s people.  Contrary to what many had thought, the first revival the returned Jews experienced was under the leadership of Zerubbabel the governor, with whom was associated Jeshua the high priest.  In this revival the altar was set up and the foundations of the Jerusalem Temple were laid (Ezra 3). 

The second revival, seventeen years later, took place under the ministry of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, resulting in the building of the Temple being resumed and completed (Ezra 5).  Some years later, the third revival, under Ezra the priest, resulted in the revival of the law (Ezra 7-10).  The fourth and last revival, fourteen years later (and some eighty years after Zerubbabel) under the leadership of Nehemiah, resulted in the building of the walls, the setting up of the gates, and the reassertion of the authority of the word of God.

The story in Nehemiah of the remnant of God’s people who were delivered from the captivity in Babylon and brought back to God’s city in God’s land, is one of deep interest.  Their faith and zeal, their failures and revivals, the work they accomplished, the opposition they encountered, and the difficulties they overcame, make their story rich with instruction for all God’s people.

God has been raising up people throughout the ages, who are not of outstanding eminence as rulers or prophets or priests, to accomplish His work.  They are common people, described like Nehemiah (and me and you).  Yet, in God’s hands, great things are still being accomplished, as God’s people willingly give of themselves. 

Yes, God can use you, if you are willing….


Psalm 96