Not a Performance

Not a Performance

By Not Known

As Christians the highlight of our week is corporate worship. So many people put so much time and effort into preparing for our services. The worship leader has to prepare his/her prayers as well as the transitional statements. They have to dress up for the occasion, and also be in the right frame of mind. So does the preacher who slogs at the Bible passage to be expounded and applied.   The Scripture reader practices reading the passage aloud, noting any difficult words. The choir and organist have worked on their pieces for weeks on end. Someone has creatively put together flower arrangements.  Ushers are rostered each week as well as the sound crew. Don’t forget the bulletin preparation and printing, the cleaning of the sanctuary/hall, refreshments which have to be bought or made, furniture arrangement and switching on of the air-conditioning beforehand. Elders, deacons and pastors arrive early to greet worshippers and ensure all is well. So many are involved.

What about worshippers? You are not here to watch a performance. How can you prepare to encounter God? Here are some suggestions:

•   Have a good night’s sleep so you will be fresh in mind, soul and body to offer yourselves totally to God.

•   Come joyfully with thanksgiving for His rich salvation offered in Christ.

•   Come humbly, expecting to hear from God personally no matter who is leading, singing or preaching. He will speak if you will but listen beyond the audible words and music.

•   Come with a desire to learn something new whether in the songs, sermons, bulletin write-ups, or from fellowship with other believers after the service.

•   Come with sensitivity toward visitors, especially those from different cultures.  

•   Seize opportunities to share Jesus or something of the Gospel  with someone who may not know much of Him.

•   Pray compassionately with someone who is burdened and needs God’s strength for a particular need.

•   After the service, reflect on something which God communicated to you. Ask Him to help you obey and apply it for your growth and His Glory.

You will gain so much more if you are well-prepared to worship.


Graham Ng

I Promise