10 Reasons to read God’s Word daily

10 Reasons to read God’s Word daily

By Not Known

RELATIONSHIP: Having accepted Jesus as our Saviour, we now have a relationship with Him which needs nurturing (just like any friendship). God longs for us to know Him intimately. It’s a daily walk with Him that nourishes us, not just messages from camps or on Sundays no matter how inspiring they may be.

DISCOVER: There is so much of God to discover! God’s love letter to us must be appreciated in its totality, not just the familiar bits! The more we know Him, the more we think God’s thoughts after Him, and the more willing we will be to love and serve Him.

EXAMPLE: Consider Jesus’ own example of spending time with God daily. Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed. (Mk 1:35) If mornings are not a good time, find an alternative, stick with it.

GRADUAL, STEADY GROWTH: Daily readings remembered and obeyed help us become like Jesus – we grow in maturity and Christian character. Like an intravenous drip which delivers medication to dying patients, so we gradually gain strength and get active for God. We are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory. (2 Cor 3:18)

TRANSFORMATION: Daily inputs of God’s Word gradually inform and transform our minds, hearts and lives. If you read the Bible every day, you will take in 365 portions of God’s “spiritual vitamins” – all good for your health! As you are nourished, so you become like Jesus, and more likely to think and act like Him.

EVANGELISM: The more we know of God and His Word, the more confidently we can speak about Him. Jesus represented His Father as He preached and taught. The Spirit can inspire us to witness, but we must “fill the tank” first. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, that I may know how to answer everyone. (Col 3:4,6)

ETERNAL: When we store God’s Word in our hearts, we invest in the eternal. There are only so many things which are eternal: God, His Word, His kingdom, the souls of people, heaven and hell. Choose every day, that which is eternal.

FELLOWSHIP: “Koinonia” means a participation/sharing of spiritual realities, not just talking about superficial stuff like hobbies, entertainment or the weather. We will have better Biblical fellowship if we know more of the Word.

PRAYER: Praying God’s Word into our situations is more powerful and deeper than praying what we think is best. It also ensures we stay in God’s Will.

DECISIONS: Understanding God’s perspective on people, events and issues hones our critical faculties. This counters the worldliness we are constantly exposed to. With God’s values and principles in our heads, our decision-making will be closer to God’s mind and purposes, rather than according to our own wisdom.

Read the Bible daily and deeply, determined to obey.


Graham Ng