By Not Known
Think back to last week’s Wimbledon triumph by Andy Murray. If you did not know that the last British champion was crowned 77 years ago, Murray’s win would have been just a win. But if we knew the backstory, his triumph takes on a new significance. There is always a context and a backstory. Without them, an event can never be fully understood or appreciated. Likewise, Christians are a people redeemed by Christ. Yet the redemption motif is not just a New Testament ‘thought.’ It’s context and backstory can be found in the Old Testament. Until we know it, we will not fully understand or appreciate Christ’s redemption. I would like to kickstart this thinking process by sharing three ‘backstory’ truths found in Exodus.
#1 Man’s need, God’s response.
Cries of pain and anguish from a people in oppression. So God answered their cries in a way that is miraculous and transformational. While the Exodus seems to define Israel’s identity, the whole account really is about God and his activity of redemption; from Moses’ calling in the desert, to the feeding in the wilderness and the establishment of the tabernacle, God comprehensively left His imprint on the lives of his people.
May Exodus remind us of this beautiful picture of God and his activity for those he loves.
#2 Responding to God’s activity leads to a transformed people.
God might have led them out of Egypt, but do you realise that it was only when they crossed the Red sea that they “believed God and his servant Moses” (Ex 14:30-31)? By all accounts, they were boxed in by the Egyptian army and the sea. It was an impossible situation! It was only when they stepped out in faith into the sea that they could be saved. May Exodus remind us to not just profess, but to walk and move forward in faith.
#3 The need for Jesus Christ.
Exodus shows us that God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, the ritual laws, the civil laws, and instructions to build the tabernacle. But they were not enough to satisfy the demands of a holy God whose standards are impossible to reach. God was with them, but He stood alone. So while they were redeemed, a chasm still stood between them and God. May Exodus remind us of our need for a permanent redemption.
It is within this context that we should view Jesus’ redemption. For it is through his work that we are part of his family, and the temple in which he dwells! May we always give thanks for it! Let us keep our eyes and hearts open so that fresh insights can be learnt, week by week and chapter by chapter.
Amos Lau