Beautiful Feet

Beautiful Feet

By Not Known

Paul said in Romans 10:15, “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?”  This was actually part of a series of rhetorical questions that Paul was posing to the recipients of this letter.  For him, there must be some sequence of events prior to anyone coming to the saving knowledge of Christ.  One of which is this: how can anyone be saved if no one is sent to tell them?

The logical sequence is quite clear as we examine these verses.  People will need to call on Christ to save them only if they believe that He can do so.  That response to the saving knowledge cannot come about without knowing Christ personally.  That knowledge comes through listening about Christ only when someone proclaims that message.  Finally, that message about Christ is not preached if no one is doing it.

For Paul, this is where the urgency of spreading the Gospel of Christ lies.  He believed that if people are to be saved, we who have the Gospel should be obediently and conscientiously preaching that Gospel to provide opportunities for people to respond.

As we embark on the feasibility study of expanding ORPC’s facilities, our church has to be growing in tandem with the physical expansion.  While the expansion of facilities has always to be at least a step ahead in anticipation of growth, we must conscientiously grow our congregation as well.

Going to preach the Gospel is but the first step.  As people respond to the Gospel, we have to be ready to continue in the growth process by assimilating these new believers, and discipling them to the point of maturity in Christ.  

When we do not reach our relatives, our colleagues and our friends with the Gospel and drawing them to church, we are first and foremost not able to grasp the weight of what Paul is saying.  That is why, Paul completes that challenge by saying, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

Do we all have beautiful feet?  Do we all have a passion for lost souls?  Do we all have a desire to obey God?  Do we all have that vision to see God’s church growing?

It was interesting that Rick Warren once said that the top obstacle to church growth is “Not bringing friends to church.”  Is this an obstacle to our growth?  Do we pray for, challenge and motivate one another to reach out with the Gospel and invite them to Christ and to church?  Do we help seekers of the Gospel to find Christ when they come?

Let’s not be like some Christians who love evangelism only if they themselves don’t have to do it.  Let’s play our part and let’s heed the call of our Saviour: let’s have beautiful feet.



Peter Poon