Christ Is Risen!

Christ Is Risen!

By Not Known

As the Lenten season ends in Easter rejoicing, my reflections also trigger deep emotions.  This is especially so after having gone through the weeklong farewell to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, our founding Prime Minister.
I also noted that more people have taken the time to practice Lenten disciplines, even some who are not active Christians.  I sense that there is a deep hunger in many of us to want to re-orientate our lives toward God, especially in terms of healing and peace.  I believe that many want to share a holy hunger for clarity about what is good and life-giving through our reflections and meditations.  We desire to re-focus on what is most central and important in life.
Today, we celebrate the victory of light and life over darkness and death.  God, through His dear Son Jesus Christ, realigns us to His will, gives us the opportunity to experience full forgiveness through His grace on the cross.  God recreates and redeems us from dead, dry and destroyed states.  When we respond to His mercy and grace on the cross, we are released from the bonds of self-obsession, addiction and whatever that would tear us away from the life-giving Saviour.  Our lives re-enter again into the holy and creative new being in God.  Indeed, He makes all things new.
As we gather today to celebrate with joy this newness in Christ, let us remember that all our vulnerabilities are placed at the cross and that once again, we are called to obedience to the Gospel to go forth to bring hope and joy to those around us.  A call to bring light in a darkened world.  An exhortation to live sacrificially as Christ did so that the world may know the Saviour of the world.  A challenge toward the needy and the hungry with cultivated and intentional compassionate hearts that they may see Christ in and through us.
Today, let us witness together the wonder of the resurrection that is once again upon us.  May we truly embrace this new life so wondrously given.  May we yearn in our soul with all the strength we have to trumpet and announce this risen Christ; that death is no more and that humanity is restored to the relationship that God has originally intended; that God through Christ has erased the darkness of death and given us eternal life.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!