On Annual Leave

On Annual Leave

By Not Known

une and December are usually the slowest months of each year. These are traditionally the seasons for family and annual leave.  Work desks take turns to be empty.  Incoming email volume almost doubles due to autoreply messages – “Sorry, I’m on leave, etc.…” Hotels are fuller and flights are expensive.  The motivation to work scores 3 out of 10.  In Europe, businesses and offices literally shut down between Christmas and New Year.  It’s a bad time to get things done if you want it urgently!  Don’t implement major business decisions either, you’ll be stuck!
Imagine what could happen should God turn on his autoreply message: “I AM currently on leave and unable to attend to your spiritual emails. Please leave a message.  I will try to respond as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.”  Our world and our lives could go very wrong…
The earth may stop spinning… global seasons and climate may be confused… life forms may progressively die off… the harvest fields may yield over-ripe or under-grown crops… it gets hotter and hotter in some regions, and colder and colder in others… wind and wave, rain and snow, tide and current may lose their rhythms and patterns.
Our hearts may stop beating, our lungs may stop functioning, our body temperature may head off 37 degrees Celsius, our minds may not command our limbs and organs… sickness and death will escalate as our bodies no longer function correctly and coherently.  Medical science and cures are no longer useful because viruses and bacteria may mutate and behave without predictability.
Wars could randomly break out between nations and peoples. Road accidents and crimes could escalate because every human being decides to be a law unto himself. Governments could be made redundant because nobody would follow their rules. Wickedness could only get worse. There is no order, no morals, and no peace to life.
You and I can go on annual leave for weeks and months, and life will still go on for others. But if God were to ‘go on annual leave’ even for a moment, who would take over the reign of all creation? Yes, the lesser power next to God… the 666… the Devil. Even a moment under its rule would be hell on earth.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8) Take this to heart! Thank God and worship him alone!




Benson Goh