Praise God For Singapore

Praise God For Singapore

By Not Known

On this National Day weekend, we praise and thank God for our nation’s 50th anniversary.  Here are some reasons why my wife and I are grateful for Singapore.  What are yours?
1    Clean, well-organised and efficient government, unafraid to implement beneficial policies; succession planning has ensured stability.
2    Generally safe society: law and order firmly enforced.
3    Racial and religious harmony cultivated and encouraged.
4    Freedom of religion: mutual respect for different faiths.
5    Clean, green, well-planned environment.
6    Strong emphasis on education and ongoing learning/training.
7    Strong financial/economic infrastructure.
8    Good variety and range of cuisines from all over the world.
9    Affordable public housing, provident fund, healthcare provisions for all.
10    Protocol kept to minimum.
11    International melting pot of knowledge, cultures and races: makes for diversity and stimulates growth, yet embraces Asian/family values.
12    From “swamp to first world city”, always striving to improve, pushing for a culture of excellence with many achievements.
13    Meritocracy not favouritism.
14    Built on British “roots” but drawing from all that is good everywhere.
15    Friendly but firm in international relations; unafraid to be honest.
16    Ready to render humanitarian aid during international crises.
17    Pro-active, forward-looking government.



Graham Ng