By Not Known
“37A furious squall came up, … 39He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. 40He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:37-40)
Jesus was with the disciples on the boat when the furious squall brewed. The disciples were afraid because their boat was sinking. They complained that the Lord did not care and woke him up. Then Jesus rebuked the waves and the wind, they obeyed. Jesus also rebuked the disciples for the lack of faith in Him.
There are different kinds of storms in life. Some come slowly but surely, the huge ones could be few but hit us powerfully. One knock could hit us out. The smaller ones could keep pounding until we feel overwhelmed eventually. Is a furious squall brewing and gathering speed in your life? Are the small squalls causing you constant anxiety and defeat?
It is said that if God put us through a storm, whether big or small, He has a purpose, to develop us for His service and to make us stronger in faith. As a tree that is planted where the storms are, will be shaken to develop strong fibers and roots. So when a person is put through a storm, God will build or grow his or her faith. The disciples’ (some were fishermen) faith were shaken, but learnt that they need to rely on Jesus in the storm. But sometimes we might experience great fear in the storm, Paul in Acts 27 stated that Paul was a man of great faith yet the storm overcame him. Depending on our faith should not be our focus but focusing on who God is. He is the one in control. Paul was strengthened spiritually in all his troubles, for God was with him.
Sometimes God saves us from trouble and death, sometimes He saves us in trouble and near death so that His name is glorified. As I had shared last Sunday – problems or troubles have positive impact on our lives:
1. Problems often provide us with greater opportunities; 2. Problems can promote our spiritual maturity; 3. Problems prove our integrity (1 Pt 3:15); 4. Problems produce a sense of dependence on God; 5. Problems could also prepare our hearts for ministry.
George Muller, a man of extraordinary faith once said, “God has never failed me. Even in my greatest difficulties, heaviest trials, and deepest poverty and need. He has never failed me. Because I was enabled by God’s grace to trust Him, He has always come to my aid. I delight in speaking well of His name.”
Therefore, faith in God is built on a daily relationship with God. Without faith, our will to obey will be based on work.
John Chew