Posts from 2017 (Page 4)

Posts from 2017 (Page 4)

God Loves People

By Not Known “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.” Gen 1:31 Human being is the apex of God’s creation of the world. He is created in the image of God. God highly values them. That is why God counted it very good after man and woman were created.  Furthermore, God…

A Jealous God

By Not Known Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God (Ex 34:14). How well do you know God? How many of His great names have you experienced in your life? The Bible lists numerous examples of people who have given God names as a result of their encounter with Him.  Hagar called God The God who sees when the angel of the Lord…

Reaching Out As We Worship

By Not Known You might not have heard of this dreaded illness, uppgivenhetssyndrom.  It affects solely young refugees in Sweden where youths were suddenly seized by it and go into a coma-like state.  As one medical professional had described it, a Snow White syndrome.  How even healthy academic high-achievers may suddenly go into a coma-state baffle medical…

Exaltation Comes From God!

By Not Known No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt themselves.  It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another. (Ps 75:6-7) Generally, it is easy for us to be empathetic towards those who are in a miserable or unfortunate state. We want to support and help them while thanking God that we are not in the situation they are in. On…

Why Do We Pray?

By Not Known Today’s passage begins, “Hear my prayer, Lord …” How often have we uttered a cry for help to the Lord, perhaps in our times of trials, temptations or trouble? The spiritual discipline of prayer is sometimes an illusive concept – yes, generally, we are discipled and taught that prayer is essentially talking to God, but more often or not, prayer can…

Be Involved

By Not Known We have been examining the theme of worship for the past two Sundays. What do you think is the outcome?  Does it increase our desire to be involved in His service?  The following story illustrates the essence of serving our God (Bits & Pieces, June 24, 1993, pp. 20-21): “When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she once attended a rock concert at…

Worshipping God The King

By Not Known As we continue our exploration on the worship theme in this month’s sermon series, it is helpful for us to understand the basic fundamentals for worship.  So often, churches had been embroiled in what was called the worship war, each dwelling on the merits of the form of worship that they claim to be the most appropriate and meaningful.  Others have…

Waiting On The Lord

By Not Known It is one of most annoying thing for many.  When we live in a fast-paced world with great anxiety to grab at every opportunity to succeed, waiting can be the least sought-after virtue.  For when someone on the escalator is blocking the rightmost path; or when every email or text message has an answer-me-now tag; or when the traffic lights take a…

Beauty For Ashes

By Not Known Today’s sermon passage in Daniel and topic focuses on ashes and repentance. In this season of Lent, it is indeed appropriate to reflect on what Christ has done on the cross, the costly grace and salvation that came at the price of our Saviour’s own life for the sins of the world. How often do we take for granted and let slip to the corners of our minds our…