Posts from June 2024

Posts from June 2024

“Can I Lose my Salvation?”

If you are worried enough to ask this question, chances are you shouldn’t worry about being saved! Why? Because in our Presbyterian understanding of election, we recognize that God saves sinners who do not in themselves even want to be saved. As Paul writes, we were once dead in our transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2:1), living under the dominion of darkness (Colossians…

Am I Saved?

“You Christians are very lucky! For you, salvation is easy. For me, it is very hard!” so exclaimed a relative from a different religion. Is his statement true? Mankind, which includes you and me, are in dire straits. We are all sinners and have fallen “short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, all of us need to be saved from sin and death. But by the grace of…

Not a Case of Either-Or

Much of the world around us gives us only two choices: it’s either black or white, night or day, right or left, up or down. And with that prompting from nature around us, we also think about our faith in this way: we either have faith, or we don’t; we either have doubts, or we don’t. There’s nothing wrong with these two statements of either-or, but the difficulty comes…