Posts from October 2024

Posts from October 2024

An Honour and a Privilege

Biblical stewardship is as old as Creation itself. At the very onset, God made mankind in His image, in His likeness, so that mankind ‘may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’ (Gen 1:26). Even after Adam and Eve’s sin and rebellion, this mandate of…

How can I be thankful to God for all things?

You may remember how your parents trained you to say “thank you” whenever you received a gift as a child.  That’s because while gratitude is a choice, it also requires cultivation. In our fallen world, without cultivating a heart of gratitude, life can easily overwhelm or weary us with its tiring chores, difficult challenges, and unforeseen setbacks. Given our…