

By Not Known

In a world that is filled with so much hate, sorrow, disappointment and uncertainty, it is so easy to be discouraged, and to feel a sense of utter despair.  Where can we find hope and cheer?  So often, we have heard of people who claim to be “running on an empty tank” and cannot contribute since they have nothing left.

How can we fill up so as to cheer up?  It begins with our cup being half-filled — is your cup half-full or half-empty?  This perspective can be a good starting point.  If you are half-full, just top it up and you are all set to go.  However if you are half-empty, you are on your way to depletion.

The challenge for us is to begin with the right perspective.

The next thing to do is to fill it up.  Some start with a cup of great coffee, aromatic rich and full-bodied.  Others go on a walk, smell the flowers and listen to the birds.  Still others would start a meaningful conversation with a friend or play a game of chess.  Some would create an event and just have fun.  Whatever, it may be we should take time to go back to the source.  Therefore, take time to be with God, read the Scriptures and sustain a conversation with the Almighty.

We can never bring hope or cheer to others if we ourselves are not hopeful and cheerful.  Jesus Himself took time for personal replenishment and intentionally receive the spiritual refreshing by being with the Father.  In order for Him to fulfil the roles of Teacher, Healer, Friend and Leader, He took time to be filled up.

Jesus taught His disciples to follow His example by going to a solitary place to be quiet and to rest.  Yet, the purpose of being recharged and refreshed is never just a private matter.  We are called to give hope and to be hopelifters.  We are to “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

We are to become people beside people, and people behind people, as well as partners in prayer.  People beside people to cheer them on, to pace them to the finishing line and to give them assurance that they are not alone.  We are to be people behind people to nudge them, to strengthen them, to challenge them, and to keep them going no matter how tough the going may be.  And finally, to be partners in prayer, is to keep them going knowing that there’s a team of fellow sojourners interceding for them.  Someone once said, “Hopelifters need hopelifters too.”  
So, keep yourself lifted up with the hope that God has given you so as to be one who would pass on that hope to others, that they too may keep on bearing the hope that God has placed in our hearts.




Peter Poon