You might miss Christmas!

You might miss Christmas!

By Not Known

This is the second week of December. All around the shopping belt, the festive lights are up, the festive decorations are on the facades of shopping malls. On our personal calendars, there is much shopping to do, travelling, parties to plan and attend during this Christmas season. So many events, so many people to meet, so little time.

Even though it is Christmas season, come December many people will end up missing Christmas, and YOU might be one of them.

You might say “How is it possible to miss Christmas, it is everywhere?!”

We miss Christmas when we get preoccupied with the rush of the festive season and fail to remember the real reason: the birth of Jesus Christ! When Christ isn’t in Christmas, it’s not Christmas at all! It’s just another chance for festivity and merry-making.

Luke chapter one reminds us that according to divine timing and plan, God entered history! God became flesh! Christmas as Luke 2:11 reveals to us, thus becomes a very personal event; for Jesus Christ came into the world for people like you and me. He came to redeem us. He came to forgive us. He came to set us right with God.

The opening verse of this carol sums up Christmas perfectly:

“God rest ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay,
Remember Christ our Savior, was born on Christmas Day;
To save us all from Satan’s power, when we were gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy;
O tidings of comfort and joy.”

Since Christmas is only 17 days away, let us not miss this wonderful opportunity to get our focus right and draw closer to him by asking the following questions.

• What exactly am I celebrating this season, and is Jesus in it?
• What can I do to live for Jesus during this season?

Let us celebrate Christmas because God has made good on His promise to come and rescue mankind. How wonderful that He has accomplished it.  May the things we do this Christmas lead us closer to Him.


Amos Lau