Posts by admin (Page 78)
The Honours of His Name
By Not Known The Lord’s Prayer includes the puzzling line: hallowed be your name. What does this mean? Perhaps it means that God’s name should not be said aloud at all, or, always pronounced in pious tones. On this basis, the Jewish community developed ingenious way of talking about God without using his name, lest they be accidentally disrespectful. We should…
God Talk
By Not Known It’s easy to talk about God. His name slips off our lips as we casually chat about him in Bible study or invoke his help in our prayers. But God is not as familiar to us as the location of our favourite restaurant. As Isaiah reminds us, he is beyond our understanding and counsel (Is 40:13-14). Or as Job points out, none of us has a claim on him that he…
Christ and Culture
Do I really know Jesus?
The Joshua Generation
By Not Known Some time ago, a church gave this name to its Youth Ministy, the Joshua Generation. Joshua represents the second generation and encourages every second-generation leader. He was not the one who gathered the nation of Israel. Moses did. Joshua only succeeded Moses upon his death. Joshua finished the work that Moses started. Joshua was left with the challenge…
Character or Competernce
New Year
By Not Known From our view, a new year is full of unknowns. Think back over 2005. Did you expect the significant events that happend in your life? Many of us find that some significant events happened as we expected, but that there were more surprises than certainties. And even as our year closes we can be surprised by pain as life takes another unwanted twist. These…
The Birth of Jesus
By Not Known The Bible talks about the birth of Jesus as an historical event. Events in history have several aspects: there is the event itself, or the raw facts of ‘what happened?‘ there is our interpretation of the event, or ‘what does it mean?‘ there is our response to the event and it interpretation, or ‘what must I do?‘ Concerning…
It’s about Jesus, Not Me
By Not Known Singapore’s Christmas seems to be becoming more pagan. Most street and store signs have the generic slogan Seasons Greetings. One store has a large banner that reads: It’s all about me this season. That’s rather close to blasphemy against God and idolatry of self. All of this adds up to a public Christ-less Christmas, from which Christian…
An Advent Reflection
By Not Known In less than a month, we will once again sing the good old Christmas carol – "Joy to the world". For many Christians around the world, it will take much courage to sing this carol as it is. Why so? What joy is there when ten of thousands were dead, lost, and displaced when hurricanes swept New Orleans and Texas, when earthquakes rocked India…