Posts by admin (Page 8)
The Resurrection Hope
By Rev Dr Edward Goh The Lord told his disciples in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Troubles are in the world ever since sin came and brought death as its consequence. Sicknesses like COVID-19 which can lead to death only points to the truth of God’s word. God allows troubles, sickness and death into this world…
More Than A Handshake
By Ps Ho Wei Liang Can you remember when was the last time you were welcomed into church with a warm handshake by our cheery greeters? When was the last time we greeted one another by way of physical handshakes? It probably feels like it’s a long time back. In the time that followed, more and more social distancing measures were established and observed, rightly so as we…
Knowing God in Hard Times
By Rev Dr Edward Goh Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 8:3 the only reason anyone can know God and love Him, is because we are known by Him. This is not an intellectual, but a personal and intimate knowing. Paul exclaims in verse 6, “yet for us, there is one God, the Father . . . and one Lord, Jesus Christ . . . .” This is what the Gospel has revealed to us. In troubled times, it’s…
The Transcendent Peace of God
By Rev Dr Clive Chin And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7) Now that COVID-19 is declared a pandemic, spreading infection and death to almost every nation on earth, crashing stock markets along the way, and halting global travel, the Atlantic Magazine considers it a…
Christian Union
By Dr Agnes Tan A few years ago, I decided to go for a Lasik eye surgery. I had always worn eye glasses and contact lenses so the morning after my surgery, I was ecstatic. My eyesight had become so much clearer and as I looked outside at the garden, I could see sharp colours and detailed lines of the leaves and flowers. What a marvellous sight! And what…
Fully Paid
By Pr Herna Kong When I buy an item, I have the right to use it for whatever purpose I wish. For example, I can use my laptop for typing my documents, checking emails or even entertaining myself by playing games on it. I can also give it away, if I so wish. Who owns the earth and everything, including us, in it? The Lord! “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in…
The Reality of Heaven and Hell
By Rev Dr Edward Goh A Universalist is one who believes every human will ultimately be saved. Universalism is appealing because no one will wish for another human to suffer the pain of eternal torment. However, reliance on our human logic and experience to draw conclusions on matters of eternity is futile. The problem as human is we have no means for knowing the…
Look to God for Help
By Rev Dr Clive Chin This past week the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced the new name of the novel coronavirus that has infected more than 60,000 people and responsible for the death of more than 1,350 people worldwide. Its official name is COVID-19. But does the name of the virus really matter? Apparently, WHO was intent on finding a name that did not associate…
Work and Vocation
By Ps Ho Wei Liang It is undeniable that work takes up a significant proportion of our time, whether we are students, workers or homemakers. With work being such a major part of our lives, there is an important and pressing need for us to adopt a healthy concept of work as part of our Christian vocation; it is not the whole. The other domains include the Christian call to…