Posts by admin (Page 86)

Posts by admin (Page 86)

True Beauty

By Not Known Our culture is fascinated with appearances. Our media is saturated with images of outwardly beautifully people. Advertisers urge great attention to all aspects of physical beauty and promise the world to us if only we use their products or services. The Bible speaks much about beauty but has little concern for physical appearance. In fact it warns against its…

An Alien Life

By Not Known It is a common human desire to ‘fit in‘ with those around us. Most of us dislike being different to others and prefer conformity. Against that we must consider God's call to live as aliens and strangers in the world (1 Peter 2: 11). This is not a call to be different for the sake of being different. The context makes it clear that this is a…

Men and Women Under God

By Not Known In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve, and put them in the Garden of Eden. Adam was to work and take care of the garden. Eve was to come alongside and help him. It was a beautiful picture of a man and a woman in holy wedlock, each submitting to God’s design for them and their relationship. (Gen 2:15-25) At the same time, God clearly instructed that…

To Judge or Not to Judge

By Not Known Mt 7:1 has long been used as an alibi by many Christians to cover up a multitude of sins. We erroneously interpret it to say that no one can judge nor possess the right to judge. Even mere criticism is sometimes deemed to be unbiblical. This is aggravated by the spirit of our age when pluralism and relativism poison the minds of many. It means no one can…

Excuse Me! Are you an Alien?

By Not Known Several years ago, a popular fiction movie has this touching line, “ET go home…" There seems to be nothing attractive enough in this world that will make ET forget about its true belonging, and stay on earth for as long as it desires. The opposite however is true for many people, even Christians. Our familiarity with the material life here…

Seek God the King

By Not Known Leonard Sweet related this story from the Gulf War (1990-91) of three British soldiers stumbling in the desert. Separated from their troops in the fighting, they were lost, hungry, and searching for help when they bumped into a four-star US general. Excitedly they blurted out, "Do you know where we are?" The general stiffened. Upset at their lack of…

Father’s Day

By Not Known It was once simple to be a dad. You went to work from 9am to 5pm and then came home. There you found a stay-at-home wife who kept the household running smoothly, looked after the children and was waiting for you with a loving kiss and a delicious meal. It’s different now. For one thing, the workplace has extended way beyond 9 to 5 into a 10-12 hour…

Knowing God

By Not Known How do we come to know God? The Old Testament figure of Samuel gives us a glimpse of this issue in a particular setting. Like many of us, and our children, Samuel grew up knowing about God and surrounded by religious life. In his case, he literally grew up in God’s sanctuary, from the time he was weaned (1 Sam 1:24). While there he continued to grow in…

People for Missions

By Not Known Christian mission takes a wide variety of forms today. Just think about these present examples from within ORPC: Paul Johnson using his computer skills in the full-time, life-long work of supporting Bible translation. A member using some of her present school holidays to serve in a Christian orphanage in inland China. Another member doing a weekly volunteer…