Posts by admin (Page 91)
Servants of the word
By Not Known How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tiding, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns’ (Is 52:7). As placed in Isaiah, these words are about those people who would announce the God’s new covenant in Jesus. They would tell of a new work of God’s grace. This work of grace…
Holiness in balance
By Not Known Among Christian people, we have a fairly clear sense of moral values. These values reflect God’s character and are derived from the Bible. Christians sometimes differ on how the Biblical teaching applies to different moral issues of our day, but the underlying principles are clear. We are to: be holy for I am holy (Lev 11:44) and to be imitators of God (Eph…
The reclaiming of love
By Not Known The word ‘love’ is elasticised in modern use. ‘Love’ is sometimes applied to relationships and activities that are essentially self-indulgent, short-lived and calculating. In this use, the word ‘love’ has become a very cheap thing. Again, ‘love’ is reduced to the purely romantic and the sexual in some circles. Here, it is thought impossible for people to love…
Does God Answer Prayer?
By Not Known On the surface, this seems to be a cynical question of one who had lost all hopes on God. Yet on deeper reflection, it may be an important question for all of us to ponder. Is God really an uncaring God? Does He answer prayer? If God does answer all our prayers, then our naturalistic worldview would not be valid any more. And the world can be chaotic. For…
Following Jesus
By Not Known Today is a special day for 2 reasons Firstly, we receive several people as new members. Some come by transfer from other churches. We welcome them as they formalise their membership with us. We look forward to them being an active part of our life, foellowship and service. Other new members came through adult baptism. For some of these, their baptism comes…
Glorious Gospel
By Not Known When was the last time you heard the Christian gospel being preached simply and clearly? More often than not, the sophistication and complexity of life in a modern society has confounded our understanding of what it means to be Christ’s ambassadors and what our message really is. An ambassador does not speak for himself, but for the one who sends him and whom…
By Not Known The last one hundred years have been the bloodiest in Christian history. There were reportedly more martyrs in the 20th Century than in all the previous nineteen centuries put together. The Global Evangelism Movement reports that the average number of people martyred for their faith each year is around 160,000. Currently, there is an estimated 1,000,000…
Jesus first
By Not Known Jesus says some extraordinary things. But, few are more extraordinary than his call to hate our families and ourselves: If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple (Lke 15:26). These words make us wonder. Surely no sane person…
Addicted to love
By Not Known People sometimes fall into unworthy addictions. We can be addicted to drugs, food, power, acceptance, wealth, beauty, work, wealth, sex, the internet and many other things. Some of these things are bad in themselves, and the addiction just makes things worse. Others are good in themselves, but the addiction is the problem. The essence of an addiction is that…
Becoming a Christian
By Not Known From a Christian perspective, there is nothing more important than becoming a Christian. Because we love our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, we want them to become Christians for their own happiness in this life and in eternity. That is why we are having special outreach services today. What does it mean to become a Christian? To become a…