Pastoral Messages (Page 5)

Pastoral Messages (Page 5)

“Being with Jesus” Mark 3:13-14

The Lord has impressed upon me from his word such warnings as “pruning branches” so we may bear more fruits (Jn 15), and renewing our “first love” (Rev 2). I have focused on these teachings from Jesus, as sources of my personal walk and renewal. Unless the church knows what God is saying and doing, we are in no position to provide a prophetic voice to a world in crisis.…

Is It Possible to Rejoice Always?

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). If our child graduates from an educational institution, we will rejoice. On the other hand, if our child needs to undergo surgery, we will naturally not rejoice. If we have bought a new house, we will rejoice. On the other hand, if our house has been burnt to the ground, we will naturally not…

“Planning for the Future” James 4:13-15

Happy Chinese New Year! As we begin a new year, we need to be aware that 2024 represents a year of challenges and opportunities. As ORPC seeks to build a Disciple-Making Church (DMC) and take on the Alteration and Addition (A&A) project, we need to earnestly seek God for the future direction of the church. I’m no futurologist! I do not know what the future has in…