Pastoral Messages (Page 80)

Pastoral Messages (Page 80)

The Hour Has Come

By Not Known Our time of glory is generally some moment of triumph. We glory when finally marrying, becoming parents, gaining a higher degree, beating an illness, becoming a CEO, winning that gold medal, mastering a hobby or being wealthy enough to retire. It was different for Jesus. His death was his hour of glory. John’s Gospel has a great sense of timing. Several…


By Not Known The prayer that God’s will be done on earth extends the previous petition: Your kingdom come. God’s kingdom comes as his rule is extended. The final form of that is linked to the return of Jesus and the banishment of all evil. In the meantime, God’s people desire to see God’s will done on earth as part of our prayer that God’s…

Your Kingdom Come

By Not Known The kingdom of God is a common phrase of Jesus and his teaching. What is this kingdom and what does it mean to pray for its coming? The kingdom of God has been defined as God’s rule over God’s people in God’s place. This theme can be traced from one end of the Bible to the other and used to ‘unpack’ the key movements in the…

Hallowed be your name

By Not Known We talk about a person’s ‘name’ as something that matters. Our name is our reputation. A good name is highly treasured (Prv 22:1). In the ancient world names were seen as representing the person. Parents chose names with great care as to their meaning. In some circles, to know a person’s name was to gain some power over them. We see a…