Pastoral Messages (Page 86)

Pastoral Messages (Page 86)

Come, All Christian, Be Committed

By Not Known Our first calling is to put our faith in Jesus and live out the gospel in every part of life. Every believer is then called to serve the gospel by putting our time, talents and treasure at God’s disposal. In this sense, we are all ambassadors and ministers of the gospel according to our individual gifts and calling (1 Cor 12). Our service of the gospel…

Truely Charismatic!

By Not Known It has often been said that one becomes like who he or she follows. This suggests that people influence one another and that we are shaped by certain charisma in its broadest sense. The proverb “birds of the same feathers flock together” further suggests that people often click around some strongly felt commonalities. Putting both factors together…

From Coffee Bean to Wisdom

By Not Known As an avid coffee drinker, I love this story. The beans of this certain coffee come from a remote part of Java although several other Southeast Asian countries also claim to have such coffee. It is supposedly the most exquisite, exotic, and most expensive coffee in the world. At US$300 for 450 grams, it could well be. Those who can afford and are able to…

Crossing the Years

By Not Known For many of us this time of the year is significant in the overall rhythm of life. Some things do not change – the beating of our hearts, the breathing in and out, the rising and setting of the sun. Although our hearts may skip a beat or two at times leaving us thankful for life itself, some things do change for good – leaving home for a new…

A Gospel-Centred Church

By Not Known The Christian gospel is well summarised by the words of John the Baptist and Jesus: Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. (Mat 3:2) Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Mat 3: 17) These sayings make an announcement and give an imperative. The announcement is grounded in a quote from the prophet Isaiah. The gospel message of the New Testament is…

The Lesson

By Not Known This is the day for lessons and carols! The selection and arrangement is not at random. The selected lessons take us through vital parts of the Christmas gospel and the carols lead our heartfelt response to what we hear in Scripture. The first lesson (Gen 3:22,24) tells us of our need for the gospel. We were created to know and enjoy God forever in his place…

Telling the Christmas Story

By Not Known Matthew writes well. His telling of the Christmas story keeps our attention as he moves from one dramatic scene to another. But in all this he keeps our focus where he wants it to be – on Jesus. Consider the way Matthew treats his characters. In just two chapters he introduces at least 45 identifiable characters, plus an unknown number of Jerusalem…

Hey, It’s Christmas

By Not Known The Christmas scene is well and truly with us. The Orchard Road display is up and Christmas carols croon behind the ringing of cash registers in the shopping malls. Families take holidays and employees calculate the year-end bonus. Restaurants offer Christmas dishes, homes are decorated and cards are sent. Is that all? What of those for whom Christmas is a…

The Unfinished Business of Christmas

By Not Known The coming of Jesus at Christmas was a giant leap forward in God’s plans. Christmas was a big fulfilment of Old Testament promises. Here was the descendant of Eve who would crush the serpent’s head (Gen 3: 15). ‘Immanuel’ was here, representing the presence of God with his people (Isa 7:14). The son was born, on whose shoulders…

Future Hope – Present Responsibility

By Not Known The Bible holds out a big message of hope for God’s creation and people. Zechariah explains this hope in the terms of his generation – a revived Israel and an impregnable Jerusalem. The Gospels explain it in terms of the fullness of God’s kingdom: God’s people in God’s place and under God’s rule. Revelation explains it as a…