When ‘WHO’ Defines ‘WHY’
By Not Known Life without purpose Around us we see people who live life without purpose. They have no centre to give inner and outer poise and are easily unbalanced. Many of these live for the experience of the moment – with no sense of past or future. It is not surprising that many of these…
Easter Communion
By Not Known Today we have a happy link between Easter Sunday and our Communion service. First, we look backwards: Like the Jewish Passover from which it is derived, the Christian Communion looks backwards (1 Cor 11:24-26). We look back to the saving deeds of Jesus on the Cross. As we look back to the Cross, we are moved to thanksgiving and we are encouraged as we see how…
The Death of Jesus Christ
By Not Known At the start of Easter week we are conscious of Jesus’ death. The Cross that hung over him since birth is now a looming shadow that will soon blot out all light in the darkness of that Friday afternoon. A classic interpretation of Jesus’ death is found in Rom. 3:21-26. It can be summarised in terms of our problem, God’s solution and our…
By Not Known Easter is soon here and it is timely to think about the Passion of Jesus. The Passion has central place in each of the four Gospels. This is so much so that someone describes them as ‘Passion stories with introductions’. For example, nine of the 21 chapters in John are concerned with the last few days of Jesus’ life that lasted for about 33…
True Wealth
By Not Known In today’s world, a wealthy person is someone who can choose what to eat, what to wear, where to live, and who has savings. That makes just about all of us wealthy. We live in a wealthy country and the Christian population tends to come from the better-educated and better-paid section of society. Our wealth is both a trap and opportunity. Material…
By Not Known A new membership class starts this week. Some will join us by adult Baptism, as a public declaration that they want to trust, follow and serve Jesus. Others will join Confirmation, as a public declaration that the faith of their parents, in which they were baptised as infants, is also their faith. Yet others will join us by Transfer from other churches, where…
By Not Known Missions is the work of communicating the message about Jesus and challenging people to believe in him. The reason for missions is simple: God plans to save a vast number of people from every branch of humanity and uses his church to tell about Jesus and gather those people (Rev. 7:9- 10; Mt 28: 19- 20; Eph 3:7- 11) Missions cannot ever be an optional…
Becoming a Christian
By Not Known What is a Christian? A Christian is someone who trusts, follows and serves Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus was ‘God in the flesh‘. He is the Son who left heaven’s throne to come to earth to live amongst us, to die and to be raised. His death enables us to become God’s people. Because Jesus was fully human, he could…
Who’s running this place?
By Not Known Sometimes we look at our lives and wonder. Perhaps we see a state of chaos, as we are pulled in multiple directions by conflicting forces. Or Worse – sometimes it seems that an evil god has seized power. At times like these we wonder who is in control. It must have seemed that way to the first readers of the book of Revelation. This book was written to…
Outreach Sunday
By Not Known On Sunday 29 February we are having outreach services. Our speaker will talk about Jesus in a user-friendly format and we will give people an opportunity to respond to his talk. For those who are interested, we give follow-up support through our Basic Christianity class and Lessons of Assurance classes. All that is missing is people. We can expect that the…