Take-Away Lessons from Galatians
By Rev Dr Clive Chin As we conclude the preaching series on Paul’s letter to the Galatians, it is appropriate to reflect on the basic message to us today. A key take-away lesson of Galatians is for Christians to embrace and follow the good news of the crucified Messiah, Jesus Christ. That means we shun all Christ-plus gospels, including the requirement for non-Jewish…
Worship: Drawing Near to God (Ps. 96:9)
By Dr Agnes Tan Worship is an integral part of the believers’ lives. We are commanded to worship God. Through our worship— singing, giving, reading and hearing of God’s word, celebration of the sacraments, we give God the glory that is due Him. In worship, we are enjoying a foretaste of heaven, the greatest longing of our soul, and the very purpose for…
The Fruit of the Spirit
By Rev Dr Edward Goh What is the fruit of the Spirit? Samuel Hooke, in his book The Siege Perilous, says, “A vine does not produce grapes by Act of Parliament; they are the fruit of the vine’s own life; so the conduct which conforms to the standard of the kingdom is not produced by any command, not even God’s, but it is the fruit of the divine nature which God gives as a…
Reflections on the Apostles Creed Part 5
By Pr Herna Kong There are at least two questions that every human being needs to ask himself or herself from time to time: what about death? What and where is my hope? How do you view death? What is the Christian’s view of death? Do you hold a Christian’s view of death? What is your hope? What comes after this life? At the end of the Apostles Creed, it proclaims: “I…
Reflections on the Apostles Creed Part 4
By Ps Ho Wei Liang This part of the Apostles Creed, “I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,” states our belief in the third Person of the Godhead—the Holy Spirit. Reference to the Holy Spirit here affirms our belief in the triune God—God the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ his only Son, and the Holy…
Reflections on the Apostles Creed Part 3
By Rev Dr Clive Chin Our reflection this week is on the paragraph, “He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” Perhaps the most controversial line in the creed is “[Jesus] descended into hell.” Presumably,…
Reflections on the Apostles Creed Part 2
By Rev John Chew This part of the Apostles Creed, “and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;” highlights the incarnation, birth, life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It states clearly our belief in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, that He truly…
Reflections on the Apostles Creed Part 1
By Rev Dr Edward Goh “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth . . .” As you recite the Apostles Creed each month, have you wondered why the creed starts with ‘I’ and not ‘we’? What does it mean to ‘believe’ in God? Who is the God of the creed whom I believe in? To say I ‘believe’ is a personal declaration and praise of the God you worship, done…
The Apostles Creed: What and Why
By Pr Herna Kong One element of our worship service is the recitation of the Apostles Creed but what is the Apostles Creed, and why do we recite it? What is the Apostles Creed? It is a Doxological Confession.We have become so familiar with the Apostles Creed that we might have taken its unique qualities for granted. It is not just simply a list of doctrines but it is a…
The Spiritual Discipline of Scripture Memorisation
By Dr Agnes Tan I read through the book of Psalms as part of my spiritual discipline. During my last vacation, Psalm 46 was the reading for the day. I found such comfort and assurance in this Psalm that I decided to memorise the whole psalm. It took me several days but I finally…