Articles (Page 30)

Articles (Page 30)

The Apostles Creed: What and Why

By Pr Herna Kong One element of our worship service is the recitation of the Apostles Creed but what is the Apostles Creed, and why do we recite it? What is the Apostles Creed? It is a Doxological Confession.We have become so familiar with the Apostles Creed that we might have taken its unique qualities for granted. It is not just simply a list of doctrines but it is a…

What is the Gospel?

By Ps Ho Wei Liang In last Sunday’s sermon, Rev Dr Edmund Fong spoke of the dangers faced by the Galatian church—specifically the Christ-plus gospel. Judaisers attempted to distort and pervert the gospel of grace through their insistence on the need for circumcision for one to be saved. With its focus on human effort, the Christ-plus gospel is really a gospel emptied of…

The Gospel and I

By Rev John Chew Before I became a Christian, I didn’t know anything about the Gospel or how valuable it is. After I received Christ as my personal saviour, I grew gradually in the knowledge and understanding of the Holy Bible. God opened my spiritual eyes to comprehend the depth and width of the Gospel as well as the value and significant impact it has over life. In…

Reflection on Church Camp with Our Youths

By Rev Dr Edward Goh I thank God for the opportunity to join the youths for two of their four messages during the recent church camp from 12 to 15 June. The youth speaker Joseph Chean, director of  YWAM Singapore, came across as a sincere God-loving and passionate leader among the youths. Though not from a Reformed tradition, God has used him to minister to our…

The Law: Teaching Us How to Live for God

By Pr Herna Kong It is interesting that before God gave the Ten Commandments to His people, He declared Himself as the Lord, the God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the place of slavery. And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery” (Ex. 20:1-2). With this declaration, God reminded the…

The Whole Counsel of God

By Ps Timothy Pang In Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian church elders, he says, “For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27, ESV). Other versions note that Paul did not hesitate to proclaim to them the whole will of God (NIV), or the whole purpose of God (NAS). In June 2001, John MacArthur accomplished something that is…

The True Spirit of Prayer

By Rev Dr Edward Goh God often allows pains and difficult circumstances to mold and turn our hearts to Him. Hence, anguish and puzzlement are not only an inescapable part of life in a fallen world, they are integral to the faith formation of God’s people. It is no wonder that lament is the largest genre in the book of Psalms. In this light, Israel’s grumblings in Exodus…

God is Faithful to His Promises

By Clive Chin The overarching theme of Exodus is the fulfilment of God’s promises to the patriarchs that he would make their descendants a great nation. This is carried out despite the opposition of the greatest superpower in the ancient world of the time, Egypt, and despite the unbelief and disobedience of the people themselves. Exodus shows that the success of the…

Song of the Redeemed

By Not Known Martin Luther (1483-1546) author of A mighty fortress is our God / A bulwark never failing—was the first person who brought back congregational singing in worship.  During his time, congregational songs have become more complex and participation in worship was limited to only the monks and the educated.  Luther believed that everyone has the right…