Church News (Page 104)

Church News (Page 104)

Being on a Bus and Being at Church

By Not Known Being on a crowded bus is something of an art. There we are, squeezed into the intimate space of another person. Decency and psychological space are maintained by studiously avoiding any word, any eye contact or any other action that acknowledges the other person. Being at church is sometimes like that. There we are, sitting in our pew, all focussed forward…

Trusting Jesus not Ourselves

By Not Known Many years back there was a popular book called: How to be a Christian Without Being Religious. When I first read it, I was religious, with a Christian flavour, but not a Christian. The book's title intregued me. Its contents annoyed me and then changed me. The Apostle Paul describes a similar process in an autobiographical writing: If anyone else thinks…

What If?

By Not Known What if God had given up on humanity and not sent his Son? What if Jesus had turned away from Jerusalem or fled the garden? What if the first disciples had stayed in the upper room? What if Philip never asked the Ethiopian what he was reading? What if Paul said ‘No thanks’ when asked to leave home comforts for the mission field? What if the…

Learning About God(liness) From David

By Not Known Much practical education is now given by case studies, whether training professionals or improving corporate or organisational performance. We also learn much about God and godliness from the case studies presented in the Bible. Our focus this month is on King David. David is a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14). David’s heart is shown to us…

National Day

By Not Known Our celebration of National Day is a good occasion to reflect on civil government through God’s eyes. Singapore is not a Christian country. Our majority population is not Christian. Neither is Christianity our main cultural legacy. Nor is Christianity given a privileged position by legislation. However, this is a country with a significant Christian…

True Beauty

By Not Known Our culture is fascinated with appearances. Our media is saturated with images of outwardly beautifully people. Advertisers urge great attention to all aspects of physical beauty and promise the world to us if only we use their products or services. The Bible speaks much about beauty but has little concern for physical appearance. In fact it warns against its…

An Alien Life

By Not Known It is a common human desire to ‘fit in‘ with those around us. Most of us dislike being different to others and prefer conformity. Against that we must consider God's call to live as aliens and strangers in the world (1 Peter 2: 11). This is not a call to be different for the sake of being different. The context makes it clear that this is a…

Men and Women Under God

By Not Known In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve, and put them in the Garden of Eden. Adam was to work and take care of the garden. Eve was to come alongside and help him. It was a beautiful picture of a man and a woman in holy wedlock, each submitting to God’s design for them and their relationship. (Gen 2:15-25) At the same time, God clearly instructed that…

To Judge or Not to Judge

By Not Known Mt 7:1 has long been used as an alibi by many Christians to cover up a multitude of sins. We erroneously interpret it to say that no one can judge nor possess the right to judge. Even mere criticism is sometimes deemed to be unbiblical. This is aggravated by the spirit of our age when pluralism and relativism poison the minds of many. It means no one can…

Excuse Me! Are you an Alien?

By Not Known Several years ago, a popular fiction movie has this touching line, “ET go home…" There seems to be nothing attractive enough in this world that will make ET forget about its true belonging, and stay on earth for as long as it desires. The opposite however is true for many people, even Christians. Our familiarity with the material life here…