Church News (Page 21)
Emmanuel—God with us
Jesus Loves You
By Pr Ho Wei Liang “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Do you find these words so familiar that you subconsciously sing them in your mind? Yes, these words are from the simple Christian hymn you, or your children, might know so well from Sunday School. Yet you may be surprised to know that they were also the reply of Swiss Reformed theologian Karl…
Christ is Risen!
By Dr Dominic Kuek Recently, my non-Christian friend and I studied John 20 together, and I was struck afresh by the significance of the empty tomb on that very first Easter morning. It got me thinking about how I normally take the resurrection for granted. Although Jesus’ death on the cross is something that I regularly give thanks for, I rarely find myself thanking God…
Knowing God
By Ps Tan Hui Ru Bible study is very important to us. We hear God’s Word preached every Sunday, and we gather in small groups throughout the week to read God’s Word and ponder over it. We do this because we love God, and we want to know more about Him. Yet being a Christian is not simply about having more knowledge about God. Romans 10:2-4 reminds us that the Israelites…
An Intense Desire for Others to Be Saved
By Pr Herna Kong Unlike the apostle Peter, the apostle Paul was called specifically to share the Gospel with non-Jews, i.e. the Gentiles. Despite that, Paul earnestly and intensely desired non-Christian Jews to receive salvation as well. Therefore, wherever he was in the course of his missionary journeys, he would drop by synagogues to share the good news with his fellow…
The War Within
By Rev Dr Clive Chin “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God” (Rom. 8:7-8). The world in its fallen state is opposed to the things of God. There is a constant temptation for us to take our focus off our Creator. The world tempts us to adopt its ungodly affections…
Reflection on the Good News of Christ
By Rev Dr Edward Goh During this season of Lent, it is appropriate for us to devote time to contemplate the work Christ has accomplished for us at the cross. What does this work on the cross encompass? The answer to question 23 of the Shorter Catechism is helpful here. It says Christ executes the office of a redeemer in both His state of humiliation and His state of…
The New Adam
By Dr Dominic Kuek Recently, I have been reflecting on Rom. 5:12-21 and trying to apply its truths to my life. Last week, Ps. Hui Ru talked about how we have been transferred from Adam’s ‘bus’ to Jesus’ ‘bus’, or in other words, from sin and death to grace and eternal life. Clearly this change is a big deal, and yet it is a truth I struggle to believe, because more often…
By Dr Agnes Tan How do you show your love? Some spend hours in the kitchen preparing food for their loved ones. Some offer listening ears. Some give advice. Some make visitations, even with tightened visitation safety measures over Chinese New Year. No matter how we express our love, one thing is certain—love is what makes us go that extra mile. We do…
Second-Best Is Not the Best
By Ps Tan Hui Ru It’s been nearly a year since the first closure of church services in ORPC. For much of this time, we’ve been saying that there is nothing wrong with moving our worship online, with moving our meetings online, that the important thing is that we still meet. After all, Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love…