Church News (Page 48)
Three Tactics Satan Uses To Tempt Us
By Not Known It is interesting to note that since time immemorial, Satan has been using the same three tactics to tempt human beings. By studying Genesis 3:6 alongside 1 John 2:16 we can identify these three tactics, and that helps us avoid falling into Satan’s trap. “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also…
Facing A Task Unfinished
By Not Known Today, we join with 10,000 churches worldwide to sing the hymn (of prayer) – “Facing a Task Unfinished”. This is a call by the OMF Global Mission movement for churches to increase their effort and resources towards the evangelisation of people in East Asia. The Hymn was first written by a China Inland Mission (CIM) worker, Rev Frank Houghton (1894 –…
Nagash, Qarab, Halak, COME
By Not Known Nagash, Qarab, Halak are three Hebrew worship words which means to approach, to draw near, and to come. Just as God calls us to come worship Him, He also draws near to us. But how can we approach a holy God? Psalm 95 is a three-movement psalm calling us to worship. Come and rejoice. Oswald Chambers said “A joyful spirit is the…
Blessed To Be A Blessing
By Not Known Chinese communities all around the world will be celebrating the Lunar New Year in the days ahead. Shops are closed and businesses slow down in Singapore, especially on the first two days: most areas would appear like a ghost town. I have had several foreign friends sharing their surprise on not being able to find places to eat. Our youth…
Abba Father
By Not Known The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Rom 8:15) No Earthly Father The word, ‘Father’ was never used or called out by me for the first twenty five years of my life. I was adopted at birth by the Chew…
From Darkness To Light
By Not Known Thirty-three miners were trapped in 2010 for 69 days 2000 feet underground in Chile. Many around the world followed their ordeal until finally they emerged one at a time from darkness into light. As these 33 men emerged onto the surface, they were not just a group of soot-covered men in ragged clothes, but a group where many have turned to Jesus…
A Time for Everything
By Not Known There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven – A time to give birth and a time to…
Expectations And Models Of Leadership
By Not Known Management philosophies and techniques have infiltrated the church. The pastor is now in danger of being seen as a CEO, visionary, strategist and manager instead of shepherd, spiritual teacher, preacher and discipler. What used to be his study has now become his office. Instead of studying the Bible, he studies reports. He is expected to be…
The “Greening” Of Christian Leadership
By Not Known I miss the seasons of Scotland. From winter to spring; from summer to autumn… life follows a climatic rhythm, like a piece of choral music with four parts – all in one, yet each part is distinctly unique. This is the way which God renews his natural creation. Every first visible change signals the dawn of the next season – the first…