Daily Readings
James 3:1-12
What warning is James giving to us?
James 3:9-12
How does what our tongues say reflect what is inside us?
James 3:7-8
In your experience, has it been easy to tame your tongue?
James 3:5-6
What effect does the tongue have on the individual, and the people around him/her?
James 3:3-4
What is James telling us about the effect that small things have?
James 3:1-2
Why should few seek to be teachers?
James 2:26
What does this comparison tell you about the role of deeds in faith?
James 2:25
How did Rahab’s action demonstrate her faith?
James 2:20-24
How did Abraham’s action complete his faith?
James 2:18-19
Does James think it is possible to display faith without deeds? What does he compare it to?