Daily Readings (Page 100)
Luke 1:5-11
Who is Zechariah? And what is the setting in which the angel of the Lord appeared to him?
Hebrews 1:1-4
How is the glory of God manifested, according to the writer of Hebrews? What parallels are evident to Isaiah 60:1-22?
Isaiah 60:15-22
This passage is saying that God will not cast off Israel but will fully restore it to himself. How will God accomplish this restoration process?
Isaiah 60:10-14
The nations will not only bring their wealth to Zion, but they will also come to serve her (v. 10). What is the consequence for failure to serve Zion?
Isaiah 60:4-9
Why do you suppose God has decided to reveal himself? How would you describe the response of the nations, particularly in vv. 6-9?
Isaiah 60:2-3
What do you think is the purpose of God sharing his glory with his people in vv. 2-3?
Isaiah 60:1
What is the source of the “light” in v. 1? What is the implication of the use of the metaphor “light” with reference to God?
Psalm 50:1-23
What are the warnings and promises of this Psalm?
Psalm 50:21
What was wrong with the way Israel treated God’s silence?
Psalm 50:16-20
What was wrong with the way Israel treated God’s law?