Daily Readings (Page 106)
Eph. 4:11-16
What elements of being a disciple are listed here?
Acts 14:24-28
How is God opening the door of faith to those He has placed amongst you? How can we be used by God in this regard?
Acts 14:21-23
How can we trust God and focus on His kingdom even in the midst of hardships?
Acts 14:14-20
What worthless things do we turn to instead of the living God?
Acts 14:8-13
How is the message and the messenger of the gospel often still confused even today?
Acts 14:4-7
How did Paul and Barnabas react to persecution and rejection of the gospel?
Acts 14:1-3
What were the different responses to the message of God’s grace? How was it confirmed?
Acts 11:27-30
What was the reaction to Agabus’ prophecy? How can we be more responsive to love and bless others in practical ways?
Acts 11:25-26
What do you think distinguished the disciples as Christians at Antioch?
Acts 11:22-24
How is Barnabas described and how did he respond to the believers in Antioch?