Daily Readings (Page 108)
Acts 10:23-28
How does Peter interpret or explain his vision? How might it have affected Cornelius and others who heard it?
Acts 10:17-22
How does God through His Spirit orchestrate or direct every aspect of this episode? What assurance can we draw when we think about our own lives?
Acts 10:9-16
Why is Peter’s vision surprising or even shocking to him? What is the deeper significance or meaning?
Acts 10:5-8
How does Cornelius respond to the angel’s instruction? How would you respond?
Acts 10:1-4
How does the angel mention Cornelius’ prayers and giving to the poor? What does it tell us about our offerings to God?
Acts 9:17-19
How did Ananias address Saul? What did that indicate?
Acts 9:16
Why does the preaching of the gospel go hand in hand with sufferings?
Acts 9:15
What did the Lord say about Saul to reassure Ananias to go to him?
Acts 9:10-14
The focus now shifted to Ananias. What did God want him to do? How did he feel about that?
Acts 9:4-9
What was the first question Jesus asked Saul? Why did He phrase His question that way?