Daily Readings (Page 111)
Acts 5:7-10
Knowing that Sapphira had also lied, why did Peter need to confirm with her the amount of the offering?
Acts 5:5-6
Did the sin of Ananias warrant such a severe punishment? Why?
Acts 5:3-4
What was Peter’s judgment on Ananias?
Acts 5:2
Why do you think Ananias hide the balanced sale money?
Acts 4:32-5:1
Why do you think Luke cite the Ananias and Sapphira story?
Acts 4:1-31
What may you learn about the working of the Holy Spirit?
Acts 4:23-31
What had Peter and John shared that causes the disciples to pray? What can we learn from the way the apostles and disciples pray?
Acts 4:13-22
What are required to share the gospel? Why were Peter and John not afraid to continue to share the gospel?
Acts 4:5-12
How do you respond when your colleagues or your friends criticise your faith?
Acts 4:5-12
Why do you think Luke add in this phrase, “filled with the Holy Spirit” when Peter replied to those who questioned him?