Daily Readings (Page 131)
Isaiah 9:6-7
What does ‘the government will rest on His shoulders’ mean?
Genesis 22:15-18
As Abraham obeyed God by not withholding his only son, God promised 4 things to Abraham. What are they?
Genesis 3:8-15
What do Adam and Eve do after they have fallen into sin?
Isaiah 40:1-11
These verses are structured around three ‘voices’ speaking into specific situations. What are they saying? Why are these things important in the midst of the exile?
Isaiah 40:9
What is the great message that should be shouted out so loudly?
Isaiah 40:6-8
Where are these verses quoted in the New Testament? Explain the allusion. What can we learn?
Isaiah 40:5
What happens as a result of clearing the way for the LORD?
Isaiah 40:3-4
Describe the prophecy of vv 3-4. How is it going to be fulfilled?
Isaiah 40:1-2
What is Isaiah told to tell His people? In what frame of heart is he to speak to them?
Isaiah 64:9
What was Isaiah’s desire of God in this plea? What did Isaiah remind God, knowing that He could change the bad outcome?