Daily Readings (Page 137)
Matthew 28:18-19
Think about the word “all” in these two verses. It indicates everything, the sum total and always. What does that word mean to you here in the three contexts it is used.
Matthew 28:17
Some believed but some doubted: what would have caused their responses?
Matthew 28:16
Jesus had already directed the eleven disciples specifically to go to a certain mountain in Galilee. Why do you think they obeyed that instruction?
Philippians 3:12-16
What was Paul trying to implant in the hearts of the Philippians? How can Paul be an example for you?
Philippians 3:15-16; 1 Timothy 1:13-14
What is Paul asking the Philippians to guard?
Philippians 3:15
How has the message of the cross changed the way you think and live?
Philippians 3:13-14
What is the driving mission of your life?
Philippians 3:13
How has Christ’s gift of salvation helped you with your past failures?
Philippians 3:12
What motivated Paul to apply himself so diligently in his pursuit of Christ?
Mark 6:33-44
In what ways can His compassion and the nature of His provision keep you from despair?