Daily Readings (Page 140)
Mark 4:38-39
How did Jesus respond to the storm?
Mark 4:35-37
How would you respond if you were one of the disciples?
Mark 4:35 – 5:20
What is the purpose of the calming of the storm?
Mark 4:33-34
Why did Jesus speak in parables at times, and explained everything to his disciples at others?
Mark 4:30-32
Contrast the mustard seed and tree. What is Jesus alluding to in terms of the kingdom? Why?
Mark 4:29
What is the harvest Jesus refers to?
Mark 4:28
How is discipleship a process, and what might be different steps in growing our faith?
Mark 4:26-29
How does the seed grow? Is it man’s or God’s work?
Mark 4:26-34
How do these 2 parables fit in Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God?
Mark 4:20
In what ways can we hear, accept and bear fruit in the Word?