Daily Readings (Page 147)
Luke 10:30-36
How would you summarise this parable in your own words?
Luke 10:29
Was the lawyer’s question a question you would have asked? Why, or why not?
Luke 10:27-28
Does the lawyer’s answer reflect his understanding of the Law?
Luke 10:26
What does Jesus’ questions here reflect about his personal perspective of the Law?
Luke 10:25
Why do you think this lawyer puts up a test about eternal life to the rabbi (teacher)?
Timothy 5:11-16
What are the warnings and advice for young widows? How could you help them?
1 Timothy 5:9-10
Describe the characteristics of one who is really in need of help. What could you do to help the needy?
1 Timothy 5:5-8
What is the contrast between the widows in v5 and v6? What is Paul’s advice? What is the impact and result for failing to help the needy?
1 Timothy 5:4
What is Paul teaching us in v4? Is there a need in our church, why are some Christians not carrying out this teaching in today’s context?
1 Timothy 5:3
What was Paul’s concern in v3? Why is it important to have the same concerns?