Daily Readings (Page 152)
1 Corinthians 15:3a
Do you view passing on the gospel as of first importance as did Paul? Why or why not?
1 Corinthians 15:1-2
Is our faith or the object of our faith more important? How might we have believed in vain?
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Why does Paul remind the church of the gospel? Which aspect is most significant in your conversion?
Daniel 9:9
Do we struggle with forgiving others as God forgives us? May God’s example encourage us, and His Spirit empower us to do so.
Daniel 9:8
Do we acknowledge our sin before God? Are we genuine in confessing and repenting?
Daniel 9:7
Why did God scatter the nation of Israel? Why were they covered with shame?
Daniel 9:4-6
How did Daniel began his prayer? Why did he use the pronoun “we”?
Daniel 9:1-3
Why did God lead Daniel to read and discover His word about Jerusalem? How would you have responded?
Daniel 9:1-9
What can we learn from Daniel’s prayer about intercession and repentance?
Matthew 5:1-12
How do we compare the blessedness stated in this passage with the ordinary description of being blessed? What do we consider as blessedness?