Daily Readings (Page 171)
Daniel 9:18-23
What happened while Daniel was praying? What information did Gabriel give to Daniel here? What do you think about that?
Daniel 9:4-17
Here, Daniel consistently used the plural pronoun ‘we’ throughout his prayer. Why do you think Daniel could confess for the whole nation?
Daniel 9:4-16
Which aspects of God’s character did Daniel appeal to, as the basis of his requests?
Daniel 9:1-3
Daniel was reading the Book of the prophet Jeremiah. What did he learn? What was Daniel’s reaction to what he had learnt?
Daniel 8
How does this chapter fit with Daniel’s main theme of God’s sovereignty?
Daniel 8:13-27
To what general period of time does the vision of the 2,300 days refer?
Daniel 8:9-12
List the actions of the little horn that arised from the 4 horns. From your experience and knowledge gained thus far in the “interpretation” of visions, with Daniel as a guide, how would you interpret the symbolism of these verses?
Daniel 8:5-8
In v21, Daniel was told that the goat with one large horn was a symbol of the Greek Empire. From the scene in vv5-8, how would you describe the clash between these two empires?
Daniel 8:3-4,20
In v20, Daniel was told that the ram represented the kings of the Medo-Persian Empire. From the events portrayed in vv3-4, how would you expect this kingdom to come on the world scene?
Daniel 8:1-14
Daniel was first given a rather strange vision involving a ram and a goat (vv1-14). No interpretation was given after the scene had passed. Why do you think God chose to communicate future events to Daniel this way instead of simply telling him the historical facts?