Daily Readings (Page 175)
Daniel 3:8-12
Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego accused? How do you deal with persecution or accusations?
Daniel 3:1-7
What were the people instructed to do with the king’s golden image? How would you respond?
Daniel 2:46-49
How did the king respond? How can we glorify God even in the midst of challenging circumstances?
Daniel 2:36-45
Would you have been courageous enough to share such bad news to the king, especially v.44, even if it was the truth? How can we apply this in our own context, at home or work?
Daniel 2:19-23
What/who was the focus of Daniel’s prayer? What can we learn from it?
Daniel 2:14-18
How did Daniel respond when he found out that all the wise men, including himself and his friends, were to be put to death by the king’s decree?
Daniel 2:1-13
Why did the king not tell his dream to the wise men of Babylon? How was God preparing the way for Daniel to be used by Him?
Daniel 1:17-21
What did God give to the four youths? How did they stand out from the rest?
Daniel 1:15-16
What does the outcome of their diet reveal? Is it natural or supernatural? How do you see God’s hand in the outcome?
Daniel 1:9-14
Why is the chief of the eunuchs willing to accede to Daniel’s dietary request and suggestions?