Daily Readings (Page 181)
1 John 2:1
What does addressing his readers as “My little children” say about his relationship with them? What does an advocate do?
1 John 1:10
What is the claim and who gets the blame? Spend some time to ponder about your life and ask the Spirit of God to search your heart. If the Spirit of God reveals to you any hidden sin, will you confess to God and seek His forgiveness?
1 John 1:8-9
What is our attitude towards sin (v8)? What does our denial or confession of sin reveal about the reality of our relationship with God? What are the two bases for forgiveness? What is the result of our confession?
1 John 1:6-7
If we claim to have fellowship with Jesus, what must we not do deliberately (v6)? What are the two things that are true if we walk in the light (v7)? Does our behavior contradict our words? How then can we live our talk?
1 John 1:5
What do light and darkness symbolise (refer also John 3:19-21)? What do you learn about God’s character and how can you apply it in your life?
1 John 1:3-4
The word, “Fellowship”, is a commonly used jargon among Christians. What do you think it really mean? What is the basis of our fellowship in vv3-4?
1 John 1:1-2
What is the message that the Apostle John was proclaiming (v1)? What do you learn about “the life” in v2? Who are the “we”, “our” and “us”?
Ruth 4:16-22
Why did the women exclaim “Naomi has a son!” What did they understand of God’s provision here (Ruth 4:10; Lev 25:23-25; Deut 25:5-10)? What was the purpose for recording the genealogy of King David in vv17-22? What was God’s message to the nation of Israel during the time of Judges (Judges 21:25)?
Ruth 4:14-15
What have you learnt about God (vv14-15)? Why was Ruth better than seven sons?
Ruth 4:13
How did God answer Naomi’s and Boaz’s prayer (Ruth 1:9; 2:12)? Share with someone about how God has answer your prayer?