Daily Readings (Page 184)
Ruth 1:3-5
While in Moab, what happened to Naomi’s family? Why was that such a crisis of faith for Naomi?
Ruth 1:1
What is the historical background of the Book of Ruth? What do you know about those days (See Judges 2:7,10 – 3 and 21:25)?
Isaiah 60:1-22
It describes a vision of New Jerusalem as an incorporation of the cultural achievements of all peoples and all nations. What aspects of your work do you think will be incorporated into this final kingdom? How does this affect your understanding of your work?
Isaiah 60:17-21
How is heaven like, based on Isaiah’s descriptions of it in verses 17-21? How does this compare with the descriptions in Revelation 21:1-4, 22-27?
Isaiah 60:16-19
God is described in a variety of ways and given many titles in this passage. What do we learn about God here, and what does it mean with regard to our relationship with Him?
Isaiah 60:4-15
What blessing is promised to Jerusalem (as the city represents God’s people)? When will this prophecy be fulfilled?
Isaiah 60:3
Based on this passage, what is the result of the Lord shining upon His people and causing them to share in His divine light?
Isaiah 60:1-2
What command does the Lord give to Jerusalem? Contrast the state of Jerusalem with that of the world (Read Isaiah 59:15b-20).
Luke 19:41-44
We learn from these verses that Jesus foretold what would happen in AD70 when the Roman Empire, under the Emperor Titus, would destroy the city of Jerusalem. Why would God allow this to happen (cf. John 1:11 and Luke 19:14)?
Luke 19:37-40
What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus’ glorious entry? What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Why is there a difference in the reactions?