Daily Readings (Page 185)
Luke 19:36-38
Why do you think Jesus is now open about His being the Messiah, whereas previously, this was something he didn’t want his disciples to discuss openly?
Luke 19:28-34
What is the significance of Jesus’ arrival at Jerusalem in this way (rather than just casually walking in; cf. Zechariah 9:9-10)?
Luke 19:28-34
Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged?
Luke 19:28-44
Compare it with the parallel versions in Matthew 21:1-11 and Mark 11:1-11. List the significant differences between this version in Luke and the versions in the other two Gospel accounts.
John 15:1-17
Jesus first talks about our relationship with Him before talking about our service for Him. Why is this order so important?
John 15:12-17
How does the love described in this passage differ from the common view of love? How can we develop this type of love? How did Jesus demonstrate the sacrificial love described in verse 13?
John 15:11
Why does Jesus say God’s love and joy do not come from accepting Him as Saviour but from abiding in Him? What is the difference between ‘accepting’ and ‘abiding’?
John 15:4-10
What does Jesus mean when He talks repeatedly about abiding in the vine?
John 15:1-3
The Father prunes branches that are fruitful, to get them to be even more fruitful. In what ways have you experienced the Father’s ‘pruning’?
John 15:1-17
Jesus’ instructions in this passage revolve around three symbols; the vine, gardener and branches. What is Jesus trying to communicate, by calling Himself the true Vine? (Refer to Psalm 80:8; Isaiah 5:1-7; and Jeremiah 2:21.)