Daily Readings (Page 192)

Daily Readings (Page 192)

Psalm 127:4, 5

Fathers with many sons (a quiver-full) have many defenders for the family, and workers for the harvest.  V4 also likens them to “arrows” which we “shape and shoot” into the future – will they fly straight and true for God’s Kingdom?

Psalm 127:3,4

Who gives “sons” and “children”? Do we treat our children as “a heritage” and “a reward” from God or the natural results of fertility? Is there anything which needs improving in our child-raising practices which reflects their sacredness?

Psalm 127:2

We may think that starting the day early and working long into the night guarantee success. Do you think this is true? Read Ps 128.1-2 for an alternative explanation.

Psalm 127:1

Psalm 127:1 tells us that God is like an ever-vigilant guardian. How does his watchfulness compare with human power like watchmen on guard duty and arrows (v 4)? Where do we find our security? See Ps 125.1-2.

Psalm 127:1

The verse tells us that if our efforts are not to be in vain, the Lord must participate in our ongoing labour in two ways – what are they?

Luke 2:8-17

Who came to visit the baby Jesus when He was born in Bethlehem v 15? After they found the baby, what did they do vv17, 20? What did Mary do? (19)  Perhaps you can spend some time spreading the word,   treasuring, pondering and praising God as you celebrate His first coming.

Luke 1:26-31

Notice the difference between the angel’s announcement and Mary’s response. Why is there so often a difference between God’s perspective and ours? What can we do when we fear?

Isaiah 9:2, 6

The verses speak of people living in darkness. Do you think people may still live in darkness today?  The Messiah to be born is given four titles: what is the significance of each one?