Daily Readings (Page 194)
Luke 1:34
Mary’s doubts remind us of our own shortcomings in trusting God fully. How may we learn to trust God completely?
Luke 1:29-33
A second assurance was given to Mary: “you have found favour with God.” As a recipient of grace, she became a channel of grace. Let’s pray that we may be a channel of grace as well.
Luke 1:26-28
Joseph and Mary were God’s chosen ones to bring Jesus into our world. The angel’s announcement was: “you who are highly favoured”. Be thankful that we are also “highly favoured” to have received God’s salvation.
Luke 1:26
The key phrase here is “God sent…”. Reflect on the work of God in sending His Son for us.
Isaiah 9:6-9
The third joy has to do with the Child to be born. Who is this Child and what will he do?
Isaiah 9:5
The second reason for joy is that enemies will be defeated soundly. Who are these “enemies” today?
Isaiah 9:4
Isaiah explains the overflowing joy in vv4-7. The first has to with breaking of all human oppression. How are humans oppressed today and what can we do about them?
Isaiah 9:3
How will the nation be multiplied and what will characterise them?
Isaiah 9:2
Who were the “people who walked in darkness” and how would they be surprised?
Isaiah 9:1
Why was there gloom? What has this to do with the coming of the Messiah?