Daily Readings (Page 196)

Daily Readings (Page 196)

Judges 21:1

Why should we not view swearing lightly?  Why are swearing and cursing often associated?  What has swearing to do with making a promise?

Judges 20:1

The phrase “Dan to Beersheba” denotes the entirety of the land of Israel, from north to south.  What was the purpose behind this assembly that was gathered at Mizpah?

Judges 19:22-30

What a tragic end for this concubine!  Compare this story with that found in Genesis 19; what would you think is the lesson of this story?

Judges 19:10-21

Contrasting with the earlier act of hospitality, the Levite did not meet with hospitable reception in a supposedly friendly territory until he met an old man at the city square.  How would this affect the rest of their journey?

Judges 19:3-9

The codes and rituals of hospitality played a part in this breakdown of covenantal agreement: good intentions do not necessarily justify the outcome; how may we be careful about using good intentions as excuses for our actions?

Judges 18:7-21

By seizing the carved image, household gods and the cast idol for themselves, what does it further show about the Danites? What kind of worshippers were they?